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发布时间: 2021-06-20 19:23:24

1. 热门单词:“科幻小说”用英文怎么说


2. 科幻小说英文怎么说

sci-fi是 science fiction的简写, 科幻小说
HI-FI是 High-Fidelity简写, 高保真

3. “科幻小说”用英文怎么说

science fiction

4. 科幻小说怎么写


5. 名胜,科幻小说,用英语怎么说急急急!!!!!!!!!

key point of interest / place of interest / a place of interest / sights / scenic spot

科幻小说 science fiction / sci-fi

6. “科幻小说”用英文怎么说

science fiction

7. 科幻小说英文怎么说 HI-FI吗

sci-fi是 science fiction的简写, 科幻小说
HI-FI是 High-Fidelity简写, 高保真

8. 科幻小说用英语怎么说

science fiction

9. “我经常看科幻小说”用英语怎么说

I often read science fiction 。

10. 要科幻小说英文定义和由来以及科幻小说有关的知识,要英文的!英语版,最好有翻译~谢谢

The science fiction is defined as a form of modern literature which is intended to predict future of human world and inspire human imagination and novelty of scientists. The War of the Worlds (1898) is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. It describes the experiences of an unnamed narrator who travels through the suburbs of London as the Earth is invaded by Martians.It is the earliest story that details a conflict between mankind and an alien race.Jules-Verne may also be deemed as contributinga lot to this writing style.The great popularity of this writing style arose from The Instrial Revolution , which is characteristic of the exploration of unknown world .

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